TOS Work and its Activities
We thought we would take the opportunity to let you know what the TOS has been doing in the last nine months. As many of you know, our fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31. Our budgetary meeting this year was done in April. We disbursed over $15,000 in grants to various projects that fell into line with the objects of the TOS. More information about those grants will be in our annual appeal letter. The sum of $5,000 was kept aside to help in our outreach program so that the TOS can visit various lodges and study centers in the US without the financial burden being placed on them. This has encouraged a few lodges and study centers to invite us out to talk to them about starting a TOS group in their area. For some, the service work is what brings more people from outside to visit their group or lodge. If you are interested in having a TOS board member come out to your lodge or study center, please email us at
In June, the TOS was invited to speak at the Florida Federation convention. While the presentation was not very long, it did give members of the Florida section a chance to hear about TOS in greater depth. A few members said they did not even know it existed. The St. Petersburg lodge was enthusiastic about starting a TOS group, so the TOS President, Ananya Sri Ram Rajan, will be visiting them in February.
The TOS/TS half-day of service during the Summer National Convention (SNC) continues to create more awareness about the TOS. This year we sponsored 30 Sweet Cases from the organization Together We Rise. Members of the ITC and TS took part in decorating and stuffing the bags which were dropped off at a foster care agency in August. We are indebted to Barbara Hebert and the staff of the TS for their constant support of the TOS and its activities. And we hope the service projects offered during SNC encourage members to become more active in using service as a way to spread Theosophy.
The Olcott Experience took place the week leading up to Theosofest, September 7. For the first time, the TOS was slotted to speak to those attending the Olcott Experience. The result could not have been better. We distributed several books, magazines, pamphlets, and information about the TOS. This would not have happened if we had not been asked. This also led to the TOS being invited to speak in Tallahassee, Florida in January preceding the St. Petersburg engagement.
These are just a few of the things that the TOS has been doing. This summer was quite busy for many of us, so the newsletter for July never made it out. We hope this update makes up for it!
Thank you again to all of our supporters. This organization cannot exist without you!