What Inspires You?
TOS Leadership Series
Next Webinar: Series Already Completed
Join us for a series of four (4) webinars as the Theosophical Order of Service in America (TOSA) explores what inspires and helps strengthen our practice of service. The format for this program is an inspiring five-minute video screening followed by a short discussion among participants. The program will be no longer than an hour.
This interactive webinar is free and open to all interested in deepening their understanding of service in the theosophical context as well as establishing ties with and gaining support from like-minded individuals. TOS Liaisons are especially encouraged to attend!
To register, send an email to info@theoservice.org stating your name and the best email to reach you, so we can send you an invitation link. It’s that easy!
We look forward to your participation!
Update: the completed series is now available to view on the website.