TOS Grants and Local Group Seed Money
General Topics:
The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) is a charitable organization actively involved in the alleviation of suffering in the world. The TOS motto is “A union of those who love in the service of all that suffers”.
One of the ways the TOS in the USA serves is by drawing attention via our website and our magazine, For The Love of Life, to the efforts of others who are actively working in one of our areas of service: Family, Social Services, Animals, Ecology, Peace, Healing and Arts & Music.
The TOS also sets aside a portion of its funds annually for the support of other existing public charities whose activities reflect its own mission.
The TOS does not grant funds to individuals. If you are a qualifying public charity working in one of these areas, we invite you to submit a grant application to the TOS. Instructions for completing and returning the grant application are given in the download.
Grant applications must be received no later than January 30 to be eligible for consideration.
The TOS-USA is a small, fully volunteer organization with limited resources and no staff. Our decentralized structure makes it difficult to devise and maintain specific, nationwide projects. Therefore, our members, as our most valuable resource, plan and carry out service projects at the local level.
In order to help local TS/TOS groups get their projects off the ground, the TOS offers grants of “seed money.” We invite TSA branches and study centers and TOS Action Groups to submit a seed money application to the TOS. Note that membership in the Theosophical Society in America (TSA) is not a requirement. Applications for “seed money” may be submitted at any time during the year.
Download the application form. (Instructions for completing and submitting the form are included in the download.