The Work to Help Others Continues in Ukraine
As the war in Ukraine moves past its one-year mark, the TOS efforts there continue to lift the burden of suffering among the many. The constant barrage of attacks on various cities and towns have left many without food, clothing, or shelter. Somehow this has not overwhelmed the light bearers who have committed themselves to helping those less fortunate.
The TOS Ukraine has set up a blog which highlights the work that is being done with the donations that continue to be sent to them. The blog includes photos of those who have been helped because of your donations as well as the work that TOS is doing in partnership with like-minded organizations. The latest blog entry mentions the relief being provided in Dnipro to children through the international humanitarian organization "Children's Villages” that TOS Ukraine has been partnering with.
Myroslava is a nine year-old who was injured due to a landmine explosion. She suffered a concussion, two hip fractures, and a shrapnel injury in right lower leg. After undergoing several operations, she is currently in hospital awaiting rehabilitation services. The TOS volunteers provided clothing and other amenities along with a cell phone so the child can work with a psychologist through teletherapy.
This is just one of the ways TOS Ukraine continues to help those suffering from this war. Aid is being provided in many different areas of Ukraine to try to relieve as much suffering as possible, but donations are still needed. The TOS US will continue to accept donations for Ukraine in order to help our TOS brothers and sisters with their work.
To donate please visit our website at