TOS Launches Animal Healing Network
General Topics:
Theosophy acknowledges the important role animals play in our world. Especially in today’s society, our pets are often just as dear to us as any other member of our family or circle of friends. So when illness or injury strikes, we often feel helpless, alone and scared about our ability to help our beloved pets when they need us most.
In response, the Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) has launched an Animal Healing Network devoted to providing daily healing meditation for sick or terminally ill pets and their owners.
Just as with the Healing Network for people, these healing meditations call upon the angelic hosts to send loving, healing power over time and distance to the suffering animal and to stay with the animal to comfort and protect until health returns or the soul departs the body. Network Director Rozi Ulics says that, "By providing this service, we hope to shoulder some of the burden pet owners feel when faced with a pet’s illness."
If your pet is suffering from an injury, medical condition or terminal illness, please contact us at Please include your first and last name, your pet's name, and your city and state (and country, if out of the USA). Experienced meditators will begin sending universal healing energy to your pet.
The Healing Meditation is offered free of charge regardless of affiliation with the Theosophical Society. Your pet’s name will remain on the list for 40 days. And of course, your information will never be shared outside of the Network.